Alaskan Malamute HELP League
Working Weight Pull Dog (WWPD) CertificationApplication Form |
Owner's Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________ Prov./State: ___________ Zip: _____________
Location of Event: _________________________________________________ Date: ______________
Event Managing Organization/Club:_______________________________________________________
Secretary's Name and Address:___________________________________________________________
Dog's Name (Registered name if applicable): ________________________________________________
Dog's Weight at Event: ________________________________ Weight Class: _____________________
Maximum Completed Pull (16 feet in allotted time) _____________________________________________
Vehicle Used: Sled ___________ Wheeled Rig __________ Other (please specify) __________
Type of Surface of Pulling Area ___________________________________________________________
Temperature: _______________ Conditions _________________________________________________
Were events run under ISDRA _____ IWPA _____ Rules? (Check one)
To be completed by Event Official:
I hereby certify that the above-named dog was entered in and did complete all events as listed on this form.
Name (please print) ______________________________ Signature ____________________________
Date: _________________________ Title: Marshall _____ Judge _____ Timer _____ Other _____
Address __________________________________________________________ City_____________
Prov./State____________ Zip ______________ Phone ______________________________________
All necessary forms must be sent with application fee of $10.00 for the first dog and $5.00 for subsequent applications submitted at the same time to:
P. O. Box 59017
Canada Post, Pringle Creek
728 Anderson St.
Whitby, Ontario L1N 2E0
Please make cheques payable to the Alaskan Malamute HELP League
For official use: Received: Date & Initial ______________________
Number of qualifying "legs" completed/submitted to date, including this form:___________