©2009, the Alaskan Malamute HELP League
All content on this page is the property of the AMHL or individuals who have licensed the content to the AMHL.

Aug 17, 2009

AMHL Apollo



Apollo went missing in early August from
West of the Ottawa area.

If you see Apollo, please contact Val or John Ryan

We recommend that flyers with pictures of lost dogs be distributed to all shelters and Vet clinics in your area. If in a city, you need to get the flyers in the hands of those traveling the roads; bus and truck drivers, taxie and police units. Put posters up on highly populated business streets and provide them for distribution to churches.

Don't forget about those most likely to know of any new or stray dog in their neighbourhoods - the children. Take your flyers to local schools and to parks! Kids are out and about with their friends more and lost dogs are often drawn to kids in school yards and parks. If you have local parks where dog walkers take their dogs, bring your flyers - dog owners know how heartbreaking it is to lose a pet and they are more than willing to assist!