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Weight pull Dog Activities:

  The dsescription about the weight pull activities: basic concept and tools basic equipment

AMHL Clinics Events/Clinics

August 24/'03
AMHL Weekend Weight Pull Clinic
one day Clinic .

Please note that clinics & workshops must be preregistered. We strive for accuracy–however events, dates and times may change for reasons beyond our control.

AMHL working dog Programs (This Activity)

WWPD To obtain a Working Weight Pull Dog title, the dog must qualify in four separate events. The dog must be weighed before each event. On natural surfaces such as snow or dirt the dog must pull at least 8 times its weight for a distance of 16 feet within a specified length of time; on artifical surfaces such as concrete or carpet, 12 time its weight. ISDRA or IWPA rules must be used in qualifying for a weight pull certificate.

Owners of dogs wishing to earn a working title in weight pulling can click here to obtain the appropriate application form.

Excellent Dog Excellent (WDX) Program:

    For dogs and owners who are looking for a little more challenge, the HELP League also has a Working Dog Excellent (WDX) Program, consisting of the same areas of endeavour but with more exacting requirements in each. The titles are WTDX, WLDX, WWPDX and WPDX.

    The WD level requires some training and conditioning but should be attainable by any sound and healthy dog. The WDX was created to recognize a significantly higher level of achievement and would not be possible for a dog who does not possess a good attitude and physical abilities. For information on the WDX requirements, click here.


It is the responsibility of dog owners to make sure that their dogs are sufficiently trained and conditioned and that they pose no hazard to the health or welfare of themselves or other dogs and people participating in the event. Any dog or team proven a hazard to other participants at an event will be disqualified from certification. Any driver/handler who displays poor sportsmanship or abuses his dogs will be disqualified from certification. 

It is the responsibility of the dog owner to obtain and mail all the necessary documents, signatures and otherwise complete all requirements to get their dogs certified by the HELP League. 
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