Welcome Netring Surfers
- You have reached the Alaskan Malamute HELP League (AMHL) website. We are a registered charity and the Canada-wide breed rescue for this majestic breed. With a membership of over 600 mal owners and enthusiasts who love this breed we are able to help malamutes who need re-homing. As well, we also help educate and counsel with malamute owners who wish to keep their dogs but need help in doing so.
- On this website we have information about malamutes for the prospective owner, training tips for the new owner or owner with a problem situation.
- The AMHL and its members also host events, clinics and workshops in such areas as sledding, skijoring, dog-packing, weight-pulling and other working dog programs (and they're not limited to malamutes either!) Our events attract participants from all over North America.
- Enjoy your visit!
- AMHL Opening page