Why Should You Join the Alaskan Malamute HELP League?
- We couldn't rescue Malamutes and find them loving homes, without the financial help that we receive through memberships.
- Members receive The Howler, our quarterly newsletter.
- Although AMHL Events are open to everyone, our members are given priority.
- Members receive preferred adoption services, as not all Malamutes appear on our
Dogs In Rescue
web page, but are placed directly in matched homes. Members also have access to other member-only services.
- We have a system of annual, renewable memberships, which begin at $20. for an individual, (or $30. U.S. for non-Canadian members).
Membership Fee Schedule
*(Canada Only) |
$20.00 per year. |
Membership card and quarterly newsletter. |
USA & International
(Outside Canada) |
$30.00 U.S. per year. |
Membership card and
quarterly newsletter. |
Family |
$30.00 per year |
Membership cards and quarterly newsletter. |
Supporter/Member |
$50.00 per year. |
Membership card, newsletter, and Certificate of Membership. |
Patron |
$100.00 per year |
*Membership card, newsletter, Certificate of Membership in colour and color lapel pin. |
Corporate Patron |
$250.00 per year |
All of the above*, plus framed Certificate of Membership, Corporate name and logo displayed at all rescue events. |
Life Member |
$1,000.00 total |
All of the above* plus a pewter lapel pin. |
Life Benefactor |
$5,000.00 total. |
All of the above* plus a pewter lapel pin and a special gift |
How To Join
For Life Member and Life Benefactor memberships, please e-mail us: Memberships@Malamuterescue.Com
Pay Online
To pay online securely using PayPal click the "Join Now" button below. If you don't have a PayPal account, you can get one by clicking on the PayPal logo above, but an account is not required.
The shipping address you provide to PayPal will be the mailing address where we send your membership kit and future copies of The Howler.
AMHL Membership via PayPal
Use the HTML Membership Form. Print the form, complete and mail it to the listed AMHL Membership Coordinator address along with the membership fee.