What types of Malamute are available for adoption?
All kinds! Our dogs come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the dogs we work with are between one and four years of age, but we have placed eight week old puppies, a ten year old retired show dog, and everything in between. We have males and females (all are neutered or spayed, of course). Some are registered purebreds, others are unregistered and a few, while obviously mostly malamute, are of less certain parentage.
AMHL Policies Page
Frequently Asked Questions
Dogs Currently Available
AMHL Adoption Application form
Please note that this is not an agreement to adopt a dogit is an application only.
the Foster Dog Program...
Malamutes and mal mixes who are in desparate need of rescue find a new "leash on life" through the AMHL's Foster Dog Program. Most dogs are in foster care for a limited amount of time as they await adoption. Sometimes, a foster will give a dog the necessary time and training he or she needs in order to move more readily into a permanent home. This is particularly true of dogs who come to us with treatable health issues, from neglect or abuse situations, or from owners who failed to give the proper training and socializing that a healthy malamute needs. We encourage fosters to treat their temporary mals as a part of the family until such a time as they are welcomed into a "forever" family of their own. Many of these dogs weave their way into their foster humans' hearts to the point where their temporary caretakers end up adopting the dog themselves. We (happily) lose may of our finest foster homes this way!
In addition to our temporary foster dogs, we occasionally have in rescue dogs that for various reasons have very limited adoptive prospects. For temperament, health, or a variety of other reasons, permanent foster care provides an alternative to euthanasia. Permanent foster dogs, most of whom are in advanced age, will live out their lives in a loving, safe environment.
Each of our temporary and permanent foster dogs are in need of "sponsors" who contribute financially toward his or her care. To sponsor a foster dog, please contact Info@malamuterescue.com: info@malamuterescue.com
More information on the Foster Dog Program